An EPK, or electronic press kit, is a great way to have all of your materials in one easy place and can be used when you are hunting for reps or introducing yourself and your work to possible industry connections.
Create a google drive folder that includes:
Welcome letter - Use this letter to describe who you are what what you are all about. On the first page: Introduce yourself, add your log line, and add a few key recent bookings/wins and what they will find in the EPK. Keep in fun and personal! On the second page, add a copy of your resume. PDF version so no one can make changes to it!
Headshots! - Pick around three shots that showcase your range. Label them with your name and either "1", "2", "3"or "young mom/dad", "Boss look", "rugged outdoors person" etc.
Reel - add a link to your reel(s). *important* Reel links should link to within the EPK- not to Youtube. If you have your reel clipped out tell them which to watch first in the title (ex: WATCH 1st: Comedy Reel)
Resume - in pdf format so no one can make changes to it! Label it "NAME - Resume"
Castability Sheet - need help making one? check out our blog on how to create one that includes some great examples! Label it "Castability Sheet" or something creative that still says what it is.
Still shots! - got some fun still shots from past projects? Add a few and label them clearly!
Other things you can include:
Got some amazing self-tapes that really highlight your skill? Add them!
Are you a singer? Include a singing demo or clip of you singing
Are you a stage actor as well? Include a stage resume as well.
Got a super special skill that you have a demo or clip of? Include it!
Are you a commercial actor? Add one!
Make sure everything is looks organized and is properly labeled for easy navigating!
Here are a few examples:
