How to Prepare for Your Audit

Watch this video from our co-founder Brian Norris!

The first step in setting you up for a successful audit is to have you answer 7 simple questions (it’ll take you 5 minutes, tops) that will help you identify what you want to accomplish in your career – and it gives you the opportunity to figure out if we’re a good fit. :-)
Complete the Questionnaire

Here’s what we know as actors ourselves – strike while the iron is hot. Complete the application while you’re feeling inspired. Cuz let's be honest, how often do say yes to something and then it sits in your inbox forever and ever?

✓ We start promptly, so please plan to login 5 minutes early to meet your coach and get the lowdown before salon starts!
✓ Your audit will be two and a half hours.
✓ If you are going to be late, please contact the office to reschedule. We want you to get the most out of your audit.
We recommend having a notebook and a pen/pencil handy so you can jot down the juicy stuff!
We are located in West Hollywood but currently holding class via zoom. Be on the lookout for an email 24 hours out from your audit with the zoom login information!

We look forward to seeing you soon! If you have any questions, please email assistant@actorsalon.com.